ISG continues to support The Wallich with its latest community project
Our team in Wales has been working alongside the charity for six years, while undertaking a number of major projects for client, Rightacres, in Central Square. This latest community project involved the renovation of one of the charity’s unused spaces which forms part of its Learning Centre, supported by our local supply chain partners.
As part of the improvements to the unused space, the team installed a glass front and new entrance to the building and some of the existing walls were removed to create more space. The works then included the fit out of this space which now features a kitchen, a meeting room, open plan communal areas and new toilet facilities, allowing the charity to hold accessible drop-in sessions for people needing homelessness support.
The renovation will allow the charity to work with more people to secure safe, warm and sustainable accommodation, access benefits such as Universal Credit, make appointments and improve their wellbeing through basic amenities such as laundry and shower facilities. It has provided improved facilities for both staff and clients, and supports the charity’s goal of offering more people experiencing homelessness the opportunity to use their current skills or gain new ones in order to get back into volunteering, education or employment.
The Wallich CEO, Lindsay Cordery-Bruce, said of the renovation, “ISG, and their partners, have really showed up for people experiencing homelessness in Wales. They are walking the walk when it comes to offering their time, skills and relationships to provide a tangible resource for the community. They’ve also worked with us at The Wallich to understand that our service needed to be a Psychologically Informed Environment (PIE), to alleviate some of the anxieties people can face when asking for help. The new and improved Solutions Centre in Cardiff will be a legacy ISG can be proud of – every person who walks through that door will instantly find a more professional but calming environment to address their needs.”
ISG’s Operations Director, Kevin McElroy, added: “The refurbishment of this space for The Wallich created a great opportunity for the Central Square project team including our client Rightacres and local supply chain, to support the local community as part of our ongoing social value strategy for the region.”
“ISG, and their partners, have really showed up for people experiencing homelessness in Wales. They are walking the walk when it comes to offering their time, skills and relationships to provide a tangible resource for the community.
Lindsay Cordery-Bruce, CEO, The Wallich
Over the last six years, we have provided the charity with materials, employment support and engagement, and volunteered our time in helping to improve the facilities at their services in Cardiff.
Our social value team has also assisted in helping people with an offending background overcome the barriers they face on their journey back into work, collaborating with The Wallich to provide work placements and training through its Building Opportunities, Skills and Success (BOSS) project.