Entrance to the refurbished Heath Primary School

Heath Primary School refurbishment, Chesterfield, UK

Delivering a school to be proud of for the pupils of Heath Primary
  • Customer
    Department for Education
  • Completion Date
    August 2022
  • Quantity Surveyor
    Zahid Mahmood
  • Form Of Contract
    JCT 2016 with amendments
  • Area
    1500 sq m
  • Program Duration
    82 weeks
  • Architect
    Associated Architects
Large hall with fold out table and infant climbing frame

About the project

The project involved the refurbishment of one teaching block including: strip out, internal finishes, mechanical and electrical services, and roof replacement. An extension has also provided new facilities including classrooms, toilets, a multipurpose hall and kitchen. Existing tables and chairs have been retained, with additional furniture, fixtures and equipment provided.

There was stair-only access to first floor, and so a new platform lift was also required. We also ensured the school remained operational throughout, providing temporary education facilities while the work was carried out in two phases.

Social value successes

ISG was awarded the ‘Social Value’ accolade at the Department for Education’s Capital Supplier Evening for the fantastic work on Heath Primary School in Chesterfield, including:

  • Working with our supply chain to install drainage at a local mental health facility
  • Donating six laptops and a defibrillator to the school
  • Volunteering at the local foodbank
  • Organising an off-timetable session for the school to showcase the lifecycle of newts
  • Broadening the impact beyond the school and inspiring 90 students from Forge Valley School in Sheffield, with specialised STEM-focused assemblies/classes
  • Organising an Open Doors event at the school, offering insights into the new facilities
Volunteers helping at Heath Primary school

Making a difference

Our team members also volunteered their time to renovate the school’s overgrown maze, to repurpose the area into a forest school, offering an alternative to a mainstream educational environment to support the school’s special educational needs or disability (SEND) students.

“At the end of this project we have a fabulous refurbished building, keeping the character and feel of the ‘old 1908’ school but also a brand-new hall, kitchen and two additional classrooms. It has given the school extra space for learning and the children are really excited to have a school building that they deserve and can be as proud of.”

Paul Watkins, Account Director, ISG