Impeccable commitment and impactful social value recognised by North West Construction Hub

Ian Hall, Framework lead, NWCH and Paul Collins, Framework manager, ISG
ISG’s framework manager, Paul Collins, was named ‘Framework Manager of the Year’ having worked closely with the NWCH and contractor partners over the past year. He will also be taking on the role of chair for the framework’s ‘Business Development’ Special Interest Group or ‘SIG’.
“Congratulations to Paul, nominated on behalf of all of the framework contractor partners. Paul's continued support and commitment across the framework is impeccable. On behalf of all of the NWCH team and contractors, many congratulations Paul, thoroughly deserved!”
Ian Hall, Framework lead, NWCH
Paul added: “It’s an honour to be recognised by my fellow NWCH contractor partners and a pleasure to work in a genuinely collaborative environment with my peers and the framework team.”

The successful initiative is helping to break down the barriers for female prisoners gaining access to construction-related qualifications and future employment in the industry. Joy was the chair of the ‘Social Value’ SIG in 2022, and is looking forward to continuing to support the NWCH with impactful initiatives.
“We work in partnership with experienced providers to provide targeted and tailored support for female prisoners. The positive outcomes from this programme signify the next steps in helping them to secure employment upon release, reducing their chances of reoffending. It’s extremely rewarding to work alongside NWCH and contractor partners to enhance the value that the framework delivers, bringing significant benefits to our communities.”
Joy Woods, Senior Social Value Manager, ISG
Congratulations to all those recognised at the awards, it's a fantastic way to celebrate the framework's achievements.