Armed Forces partnership will support transition to civilian life

ISG’s sponsorship has supported 19 individuals to receive a Level 2 qualification in mentoring. These individuals are now going through the process of being matched to service leavers. In 2023, over 200 SSAFA mentors supported more than 1,300 mentees, keeping issues like depression and debt from deteriorating into more serious problems.

"As a business we deliver thousands of social value activities each year. Our partnership with SSAFA is part of a wider strategic initiative to look at how best we can deliver legacy as part of our work in the defence sector. This sponsorship is a sign of this dedication, taking a multi-dimensional, national approach to ensuring service leavers get the support they need."
Rhiannon Kilgariff, Strategic Social Value Manager, ISG
Julie McCarthy – Director of Volunteer Operation for SSAFA, the Armed Forces charity, said:
“SSAFA, the Armed Forces charity, has a long history of bridging the gap for service leavers as they transition from military into civilian life, and in 2023 alone, our Mentoring service – delivered mainly by volunteers – helped more than 1,300 personnel, which is an incredible number.
“The support from companies such as ISG is invaluable for UK Armed Forces as they leave one career and progress into another, especially for vulnerable and early service leavers.
“These men and women, sometimes leaving years before they wanted to and before fully developing their skills and experience, often face the greatest challenges going into Civvy Street. SSAFA works particularly closely with them and they – as with all UK Armed Forces – deserve the same levels of support as all other personnel.
“The support given by ISG for SSAFA’s well-established and highly successful Mentoring programme means we can do just that.”
In 2023 ISG’s was awarded Gold in recognition of its commitment to the Armed Forces Covenant - a promise that together we acknowledge and understand that those who serve or have served in the Armed Forces, and their families, should be treated with fairness and respect in the communities, economy, and society they serve with their lives.
ISG’s commitment as part of the Defence Employer Recognition Scheme (ERS), has already seen employment opportunities for service leavers and their families, support for reservists and cadets, and engagement with a number of armed forces charities, including SSAFA and Blind Veterans UK.
James Dimmock, ISG’s Sector Director for Defence, says: “We know that the transition from a career in the military can, in some instances, be extremely challenging for service leavers. Today we employ over 50 service leavers, reservists and cadet leaders, with internal support to help them in their transition within ISG.
“Our support of SSAFA’s transitional mentoring service allows us to understand the multi-dimensional approach in supporting those leaving the armed forces in order for us to better support leavers.”
Rhiannon concluded: “Resettlement and transitional challenges are tough barriers for individuals, and we’re keen to grow our partnership with SSAFA to understand the benefits that this service provides to individuals and their families.”
We regularly attend insight and career events with BuildForce and Career Transition Partnership. ISG’s employee benefits package provides support for service leavers and their families.