Sights set on ESG – ISG presents latest report “Sustainable Buildings Monitor” at the INVESTMENTexpo in Berlin

The built environment is an important factor in achieving ambitious sustainability goals at the political level - that's nothing new. The "E" in ESG is the primary focus here. To provide a more holistic view, ISG launched a second edition of its Sustainable Buildings Monitor (SBM), entitled "Redefining value." ." The focus of the new framework builds in environmental and social considerations, such as net zero carbon, embodied carbon, energy performance values of buildings, as well as social values, access to the local labour market or green energy sources. These factors were evaluated within a context of understanding that the sustainable built environment is key to growth through economic innovation – not a hindrance.
The industry has recognised the signs of the times
The introduction of the SBM in Germany was led by Alex Radler, Team Lead Berlin, and David Broussard, Head of Sustainability International. They presented as guest speakers at INVESTMENTexpo, organised by the consulting firm RUECKERCONSULT. Many of the panel discussions and presentations at the congress for real estate and infrastructure investments revolved around these very ESG topics from a variety of perspectives and expertise, as well as their planned implementation.
Creating sustainable value in existing buildings
Alex Radler addressed this topic, discussing ISG's approaches to achieving "green zero" in existing buildings on the panel event "Current Issues in Designing and Implementing ESG and NZC Strategies." If the real estate sector is going to achieve its goal of carbon neutrality, existing buildings have to be a significant part of the endeavour. To do this, ISG has been involving all employees, suppliers, and contractors in taking up the challenge, focusing on four core areas: Environmental management to comply with sustainability goals and focus on biodiversity, a commitment to be carbon neutral by 2030, to adopt circular economy where possible, and to create social value in every project. His presentation demonstrated how projects can be designed to be both economically and socially sustainable and bring added value to all stakeholders – that goes beyond just the return on investment.

Alex Radler, Team Lead Berlin
Just do it!
Data collection and reporting play an important role in ensuring environmental sustainability. Yet particularly for existing buildings, the stumbling block is getting down to practically implementing sustainable initiatives. As David Broussard explained in the panel discussion "Solutions for measuring ESG parameters": "We need to get into implementation. We have seven years until 2030 to save more than half the energy in almost all our building inventory. 80 to 90 percent of the buildings that currently exist would have to save at least 50 percent of their energy consumption to achieve net zero in Germany by 2045." The panel unanimously agreed that much can now be achieved with data collection, but if the highly ambitious targets are to be achieved, concrete technical measures must be implemented, for example in the buildings’ envelopes or in the energy supply.
"We need to get into implementation. We have seven years until 2030 to save more than half the energy in almost all our building inventory."
David Broussard, Head of Sustainability International

David Broussard, Head of Sustainability International