ISG’s research and insight report, ‘The Power of Place’
The unforeseen impact of COVID-19 has accelerated significant shifts in human behaviour, disrupting the landscape that businesses operate within, and presenting new challenges and opportunities that they must respond to.
With the need to improve operational efficiency as well as deliver environments that appeal to diverse, multigenerational talent pools high on the agenda for many organisations, positioning workplaces that will appeal to people, and empower them to be as productive as possible, should be as much a priority for business leaders as lease terms and running costs.
Catering for the needs of today’s workforce, while remaining flexible enough to accommodate whatever the future holds, is no easy feat. For forward-thinking, agile organisations to succeed, the need for dialogue between employers and employees is more important than ever. Getting the right blend between remote working, technology and high-quality space for people addresses these issues, and could save businesses time and money, and provide a genuine competitive advantage.
It’s the power of place, and to better understand it, we asked the most-important people what they think – those who use the spaces each and every day.

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Webinar part 1
On 31 March 2021 we started with the first part of our webinar series 'Home Office as Competition - Office Space of the Future' to discuss the key survey findings, and how businesses, placemakers and the construction industry can work together to deliver places where organisations, their people and the communities they occupy can thrive.
Our chair Aydin Karaduman, Managing Director Europe, was joined by an exciting panel of some of the industry’s leading workplace experts including:
- Sascha Klaus, CEO, Berlin Hyp
- Sabine Wieduwilt, Partner, Dentons
- Hans-Joachim Lehmann, Managing Director, Warburg-HIH Invest Real Estate
If you missed our live event, you can watch the webinar recording below.

Webinar part 2
After the exciting kick-off of our webinar series, we continued with our second part, 'Workplaces for the Future - Requirements for the Post-Corona Office', on Wednesday, May 19, 2021 at 3pm.
Chaired by our Commercial Director CEE, Michael Schöneich, we were looking forward to welcoming our guests to some thought-provoking discussions with industry experts, including:
- Silke Frodeno, Head of Workplace Consulting, Colliers
- Prof. Dr. Thomas Glatte, Global Head Real Estate, BASF
- Sebastian Doppelhammer, Managing Director, co.mod Architekten
If you missed our live event, you can watch the webinar recording below.